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  • Wang Weichen
    Area Studies. 2024, (4): 127-147.
    Legal anthropology research refers to legal research based on participatory observation. In chronological order, the study of legal anthropology in West Asia and North Africa can be divided into four stages. Before the 1960s, legal anthropology had only one work on West Asia and North Africa, which could be described as a missing territory. After the 1960s, with the advocacy and practice of Laura Nader and his disciples, a study that can be named Dispute Resolution Typology emerged. In the 1980s, legal anthropology emerged as a research approach to legal culture in West Asia and North Africa. This is mainly represented by Lawrence Rosen's research. In the past 20 years, the study of legal anthropology in West Asia and North Africa has shown an increasingly diverse and progressive feature. Specifically, it can be divided into three legal dimensions: the daily dimension of law, the historical dimension of law, and the transnational dimension of law. This type of research is relatively scarce in terms of quantity; from a regional perspective, the main focus is on countries with higher levels of secularization; from the perspective of issues, it has always been at the forefront of the discipline; from a methodological perspective, the ethnographic method is adopted, and there is a clear tendency towards comparison. The study of legal anthropology in West Asia and North Africa has not formed a unique paradigm. The function and contribution of legal anthropology in regional and national studies mainly lie in the universality of methods.
  • Huang Yushan
    Area Studies. 2024, (4): 148-171.
    The expansion of the Kurdish Freedom Movement in the late 1970s paralleled the development of the Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement. While accruing practical experience within the political sphere, the movement simultaneously endeavoured to innovate indigenous gender theories. In 2005, the concept of “Democratic Confederalism” was introduced, affirming the pivotal role of gender equality and women's liberation within the Kurdish movement's ideology. With the exploration of the history of women's oppression and the crystallization of the decades-long struggle of Kurdish women, “Jineology” (women's science) was proposed. These ideological frameworks have since steered the contemporary women's movement and regional development initiatives. The notion of “Jineology” has been instrumental in the creation of a discourse system dedicated to women, representing a significant attempt to re-evaluate historical narratives from women's point of view. Meanwhile, it challenges the established male monopoly on knowledge production as a resistance to the prolonged silencing of women in Middle Eastern patriarchal societies. This paper employs the “muted group” theory as an analytical tool to briefly retrace the trajectory of Kurdish women from a state of “silence” to one of “expression”. Through this lens, the paper scrutinizes the theories of “Democratic Confederalism” and “Jineology”, along with the gender-based movements shaped by them, with the objective of unearthing the real rights and situations of women in Rojava.
  • Li Yuqing
    Area Studies. 2023, (2): 163-182.
    When all disciplines in the Chinese academia have coincidentally begun to discuss fieldwork, fieldwork has become an academic ecology in the transdisciplinary perspective. The formation of fieldwork ecology is closely related to the prevalence of interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity in the academia. The popularity of the transdisciplinary concept in the global academia implies the deconstruction of the existing university system rooted in disciplinary classifications and the emphasis on a positivist methodology based on case studies. In the field of area studies, which is an emerging interdisciplinary discipline, fieldwork has become an important methodology because of its characteristics of dividing research objects by geographical location. Fieldwork is both a scientific integration of a series of research methods and a disciplinary synthesis covering several disciplines. The commonalities of fieldwork in the interdisciplinary perspective are problem-oriented, grasping the complexity of the research problem; pursuing a holistic perspective of a certain social field, considering the diversity of the problem; attaching importance to first-hand materials, and emphasizing the dynamics of grasping reality. Fieldwork in transdisciplinary discipline is bottom-up, generative, and original in thinking about research questions from a holistic perspective. As a new interdisciplinary discipline in China, area studies are constantly exploring their knowledge system, the core of the discipline and the boundaries of the discipline. By maintaining a certain degree of boundary ambiguity, area studies will embrace more flexible and dynamic researches.
  • Li Yin
    Area Studies. 2023, (2): 183-208.
    In a long period of time, researches on the urban history or urbanization mostly follow the logic of linear evolution, that is, the history of urban development with increasing population and spatial expansion, emphasizing the descriptive statistical analysis and underestimating the important role of actors and their actions. The study of urban changes viewing from the urban anthropology perspective enables the deconstruction of the city’s space and time, by analyzing the symbolic power and cultural significance of urban places or components such as streets, buildings, monuments, and infrastructures, to deeply understand the complexity and heterogeneity of a city through a dynamic and practice approach. Based on this, this paper focuses on Mexico City, the largest city in Latin America with a population of 20 million, and presents the changes in road planning, urban construction, space segmentation, landscape design, cultural leisure, and commercial development in the “historical center” of Mexico City and its surrounding areas since the late 19th century, to reveal tension between the conceived space under the official discourse and the bottom-up resistance of the local residents, thus providing a new perspective for understanding the two-way construction of “actors” and “city” in urban history.
  • Field Research
    Gao Liangmin
    Area Studies. 2022, (1): 149-168.
    Some consensus has been reached in China's area studies but has less touched upon the methodology of this discipline. Since the knowledge production process of area studies is embedded in the interaction between knowledge and fieldwork, and is characterized by the pursuit of comprehensive expertise, academic questions-oriented, with its multidisciplinary properties, and requires a long practical process. So that it is possible to discuss the issue of methodological orientation, in this regard, based on the universality of pluralistic approaches often applied in human societies to solve daily problems, e.g., diseases and health issues, the author tries to propose the possibility of method-pluralism in developing country' s studies based on author' s fieldwork practice of conducting area studies in East Africa.
  • Field Research
    Qi Tengfei
    Area Studies. 2022, (1): 169-195.
    Because of the limited conditions of the times, overseas research of Chinese anthropology which appeared in the 1930s, has not formed research conventions. Nowadays, with the introduction of the concept of overseas ethnography and the overseas fieldwork promoted by Chinese universities, overseas ethnography has gradually become a large-scale, and an important aspect of Chinese anthropology. Due to the problems of historical accumulation, researchers training and language learning, overseas ethnography is still in the exploratory stage. Based on fieldwork in Kenya, this paper demonstrates the researcher' s anxieties to choose the research topic and confusion to clarify the question, and discusses strategies for selecting field sites, determining research methods and avoiding risks, to provide a case study for overseas ethnography.